9CaKrnKmypq world.huanqiu.comarticle造谣中国政治渗透,双标“言论自由”:澳大利亚反华分子又搞事情!/e3pmh22ph/e3pmh23987月24日澳大利亚的昆士兰大学的中国(内地)留学生在现场唱起了国歌反对“港独”分子集会引爆关注;这次,该地又有反华分子贼心不死,开起了讲座造谣中国在澳政治渗透,并抹黑中国留学生。 现场讲座照片:受访者提供 Chinese students at University of Queensland (UQ) in Australia were irritated after an anti-China lecture held on campus spread rumors that China was infiltrating Australian universities. 这周在澳大利亚昆士兰大学召开的反华讲座再一次惹怒了中国留学生们。 在场的中国留学生向Global Times 记者表示,现场的外籍人士不时发出嘲笑来打压中国发言者,并对持有相同立场的外籍发言者大声赞扬,典型的“双标”。 The lecture themed "China's influence in Australian Universities," which falsely hyped China's alleged infiltration into Australian public education institutions and influencing of politicians, citing Confucius Institute as an example. 这场在当地时间周三晚召开的讲座,现场数百人,主题为“中国在澳大利亚大学的影响”,宣扬了中国在澳大利亚公共教育机构和政界的渗透。其中,抹黑孔子学院传播意识形态,声称孔院对校园环境有害。 One of the lecturers was Clive Hamilton, an Australian author famous for his anti-China stance. Hamilton's book was also on sale at the lecture. 主讲人Clive Hamilton, 一位以其反华立场出名的澳大利亚作家和“公知”。讲座虽然免费,但讲座的尾声却在兜售他的反华新书,45刀一本。 A few Chinese students were at the lecture, but they were laughed at and catcalled when they tried to express ideas that differed from the lecturers, a student who attended the event and requested anonymity told the Global Times on Thursday. 据在场的中国留学生介绍,讲座外十多个保安把守,现场华人面孔极少。每当演讲者diss中国时,都会收到外籍人士的喝彩声。中国几位在场的中国学生不时收到外籍人士的嘲笑和嘘声。 Another Chinese attendee, who claimed to have been living in Australia for 10 years, said that he felt bored and discontent due to the biased foreign media reports on China. He was booed and couldn't continue, according to videos recorded by another Chinese attendee. 根据现场的录像视频来看,一位自称是在澳大利亚生活了十年的中国人说,西方媒体经常以偏概全报道中国,中国人总是受到偏见,他感到很心累。 之后他尝试向演讲者发问时,却有一位白人突然朝他大吼让他快点,并嘲笑他的立场,阻止了他的提问。 一位匿名的在场中国学生告诉GT:“反讽的是,这种嘲笑声某种程度证明了外国人士的偏见。 Most of the attendees have shown an obvious double-standard and violated freedom of speech which Western media boast about, a Chinese student told the Global Times. 大多数的外国听讲人都表现出了明显的“双标”,更违背了西方媒体一直引以为荣的言论自由,另一位匿名的中国留学生说。 The lecture also spread rumors that UQ students faced physical violence and online death threats from Chinese students over the past few weeks after a demonstration in July. 这场讲座还造谣昆士兰大学的学生们从7月24日的示威活动开始一直受到中国留学生的暴力相待和死亡威胁。 Patriotic Chinese students confronted protesters on July 24 when the latter attacked China's policies in Hong Kong and Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region. Foreign media presented an inaccurate and biased view of the event by deleting interviews from patriotic Chinese students. 在7月24日,反华学生在昆士兰大学校园内举行“港独”“疆独”示威活动,并与中国爱国学生们发生冲突。但报道此事的澳大利亚媒体却歪曲事实,剪掉了反华分子恶毒辱骂中国学生的画面以及中国学生对此事的说法,并将脏水全都泼给了中国留学生一方。 Some organizers of the July-24 event were seen attending the lecture. A Hong Kong student, who claimed to be the leader of an August demonstration in Hong Kong, also attended the lecture. 而724反华活动的组织者也出席了这场讲座。还有一位自称是8月香港市区游行领头人的香港学生代表在场发言。 照片由受访者提供。画红圈的是724昆士兰大学反华活动的主要参与者之一张树人。网络公开资料显示张树人,出生在中国辽宁省沈阳市,原名为张上。中学时就已经在公开支持台独,且屡教不改。几年前,他通过宣称自己被“政治迫害”,走“难民”途径留在了澳大利亚。 The lecture came after Geng Shuang, the Chinese foreign ministry spokesperson, dismissed Wednesday the reports that "China has infiltrated Australia" as groundless with ulterior motives. Geng's remarks came after a report by Australian Broadcasting Corporation about that Australian government is setting up a special team to deal with Chinese intervention in its university education. 在讲座召开之前,当日澳大利亚广播公司消息称,澳大利亚联邦政府正在组建一个“大学应对外国干预特别工作组”,以应对所谓“中国对澳高等教育领域的渗透干涉行为”。28日,中国外交部发言人耿爽在主持例行记者会时就此事作出回应,他驳斥所谓“中国对澳大利亚实行渗透”的说法纯属子虚乌有,别有用心。 文:Xu Keyue/GT 图:受访者提供 1567164840000责编:刘婕环球时报GlobalTimes156716484000011[]//himg2.huanqiucdn.cn/attachment2010/2019/0830/20190830073620427.jpg{"email":"liujie@huanqiu.com","name":"刘婕"}
7月24日澳大利亚的昆士兰大学的中国(内地)留学生在现场唱起了国歌反对“港独”分子集会引爆关注;这次,该地又有反华分子贼心不死,开起了讲座造谣中国在澳政治渗透,并抹黑中国留学生。 现场讲座照片:受访者提供 Chinese students at University of Queensland (UQ) in Australia were irritated after an anti-China lecture held on campus spread rumors that China was infiltrating Australian universities. 这周在澳大利亚昆士兰大学召开的反华讲座再一次惹怒了中国留学生们。 在场的中国留学生向Global Times 记者表示,现场的外籍人士不时发出嘲笑来打压中国发言者,并对持有相同立场的外籍发言者大声赞扬,典型的“双标”。 The lecture themed "China's influence in Australian Universities," which falsely hyped China's alleged infiltration into Australian public education institutions and influencing of politicians, citing Confucius Institute as an example. 这场在当地时间周三晚召开的讲座,现场数百人,主题为“中国在澳大利亚大学的影响”,宣扬了中国在澳大利亚公共教育机构和政界的渗透。其中,抹黑孔子学院传播意识形态,声称孔院对校园环境有害。 One of the lecturers was Clive Hamilton, an Australian author famous for his anti-China stance. Hamilton's book was also on sale at the lecture. 主讲人Clive Hamilton, 一位以其反华立场出名的澳大利亚作家和“公知”。讲座虽然免费,但讲座的尾声却在兜售他的反华新书,45刀一本。 A few Chinese students were at the lecture, but they were laughed at and catcalled when they tried to express ideas that differed from the lecturers, a student who attended the event and requested anonymity told the Global Times on Thursday. 据在场的中国留学生介绍,讲座外十多个保安把守,现场华人面孔极少。每当演讲者diss中国时,都会收到外籍人士的喝彩声。中国几位在场的中国学生不时收到外籍人士的嘲笑和嘘声。 Another Chinese attendee, who claimed to have been living in Australia for 10 years, said that he felt bored and discontent due to the biased foreign media reports on China. He was booed and couldn't continue, according to videos recorded by another Chinese attendee. 根据现场的录像视频来看,一位自称是在澳大利亚生活了十年的中国人说,西方媒体经常以偏概全报道中国,中国人总是受到偏见,他感到很心累。 之后他尝试向演讲者发问时,却有一位白人突然朝他大吼让他快点,并嘲笑他的立场,阻止了他的提问。 一位匿名的在场中国学生告诉GT:“反讽的是,这种嘲笑声某种程度证明了外国人士的偏见。 Most of the attendees have shown an obvious double-standard and violated freedom of speech which Western media boast about, a Chinese student told the Global Times. 大多数的外国听讲人都表现出了明显的“双标”,更违背了西方媒体一直引以为荣的言论自由,另一位匿名的中国留学生说。 The lecture also spread rumors that UQ students faced physical violence and online death threats from Chinese students over the past few weeks after a demonstration in July. 这场讲座还造谣昆士兰大学的学生们从7月24日的示威活动开始一直受到中国留学生的暴力相待和死亡威胁。 Patriotic Chinese students confronted protesters on July 24 when the latter attacked China's policies in Hong Kong and Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region. Foreign media presented an inaccurate and biased view of the event by deleting interviews from patriotic Chinese students. 在7月24日,反华学生在昆士兰大学校园内举行“港独”“疆独”示威活动,并与中国爱国学生们发生冲突。但报道此事的澳大利亚媒体却歪曲事实,剪掉了反华分子恶毒辱骂中国学生的画面以及中国学生对此事的说法,并将脏水全都泼给了中国留学生一方。 Some organizers of the July-24 event were seen attending the lecture. A Hong Kong student, who claimed to be the leader of an August demonstration in Hong Kong, also attended the lecture. 而724反华活动的组织者也出席了这场讲座。还有一位自称是8月香港市区游行领头人的香港学生代表在场发言。 照片由受访者提供。画红圈的是724昆士兰大学反华活动的主要参与者之一张树人。网络公开资料显示张树人,出生在中国辽宁省沈阳市,原名为张上。中学时就已经在公开支持台独,且屡教不改。几年前,他通过宣称自己被“政治迫害”,走“难民”途径留在了澳大利亚。 The lecture came after Geng Shuang, the Chinese foreign ministry spokesperson, dismissed Wednesday the reports that "China has infiltrated Australia" as groundless with ulterior motives. Geng's remarks came after a report by Australian Broadcasting Corporation about that Australian government is setting up a special team to deal with Chinese intervention in its university education. 在讲座召开之前,当日澳大利亚广播公司消息称,澳大利亚联邦政府正在组建一个“大学应对外国干预特别工作组”,以应对所谓“中国对澳高等教育领域的渗透干涉行为”。28日,中国外交部发言人耿爽在主持例行记者会时就此事作出回应,他驳斥所谓“中国对澳大利亚实行渗透”的说法纯属子虚乌有,别有用心。 文:Xu Keyue/GT 图:受访者提供