9CaKrnKmpXl作者:侯佳欣world.huanqiu.comarticle霸气!昨天记者会上,耿爽用成语连怼美英加,还来了句林肯名言/e3pmh22ph/e3pmh26vv【环球网报道 记者 侯佳欣】“你可能在某个时刻欺骗所有人,也可能在所有时刻欺骗某些人,但不可能在所有时刻欺骗所有人”。在8月23日的例行记者会上,中国外交部发言人耿爽用这句林肯名言,“回敬”了某位美国政客。 对于美国国会参院多数党领袖麦康奈尔近日涉港恶劣言论,耿爽具体回答如下: 美国总统林肯曾经说过,“你可能在某个时刻欺骗所有人,也可能在所有时刻欺骗某些人,但不可能在所有时刻欺骗所有人”。我把林肯总统这句话送给美国某些人,希望他们能够听一听这个忠告,不要再信口雌黄地抹黑,居心叵测地挑拨,煞有介事地恫吓。这样做下去,违背的是中国人民的意志,挑战的是世界人民的智商。 这一回答随即引起网友的关注和讨论,许多人赞其“怼得好”。有网友表示,这是“师夷长技以制夷”。 刷屏网络的林肯名言,英文原文是什么样呢? 今天,外交部发言人办公室微信公众号给出了答案。↓ “You can fool all the people some of the time, and some of the people all the time, but you cannot fool all the people all the time.” 除了这处精彩的引用,昨天的记者发布会上,耿爽还连用17个成语和名言,怒怼试图干涉中国内政的英国、美国以及加拿大等西方国家。 下面就来回顾一下部分实录(附英文)。↓ 我们也多次就英方近期在涉港问题上一系列错误言行向英方提出严正交涉,要求英方停止指手画脚、说三道四,不要再插手香港事务,也不要再干涉中国内政。↓ We have also lodged stern representations with the British side on its erroneous words and deeds relating to Hong Kong. We urge the UK to stop wantonly commenting on Hong Kong-related affairs and stop interfering in China's internal affairs. 这种公然煽动暴力对抗、堂而皇之干涉他国内政、蓄意挑拨中国与他国关系的做法令人无法接受。↓ They are blatantly instigating violent confrontation, flagrantly interfering in China's internal affairs and sowing discord between China and other countries. That is completely unacceptable. 我把林肯总统这句话送给美国某些人,希望他们能够听一听这个忠告,不要再信口雌黄地抹黑,居心叵测地挑拨,煞有介事地恫吓。这样做下去,违背的是中国人民的意志,挑战的是世界人民的智商。↓ We advise certain people in the US to heed the wise counsel and stop their malicious smear, incitement and intimidation campaign. Otherwise they would be going against the will of the Chinese people and challenging the judgment of the world. 我要再次强调,香港是中国的香港,香港事务纯属中国内政。美方不得插手,不得干预,不得胡作非为。 Let me reiterate, Hong Kong is part of China and its affairs are China's internal affairs. We will not allow the US to meddle and wreak havoc. 很明显,美方言论是在挑拨离间,别有用心,目的是搞乱南海局势,破坏地区和平稳定。↓ Apparently, the US is attempting to drive a wedge between China and others out of ill intentions. 但我想告诉加方一句话,孔老夫子的一句话,叫作“君子坦荡荡,小人长戚戚”。如果你行得正、坐得端,不违法违规,那么你到中国来,安全和合法权益是有着充分保障的。但如果你有着不可告人的目的,图谋不轨,那恐怕在中国就要担惊受怕,格外小心。↓ But I'd like to quote Confucius, "an upright man is open and poised while a petty man is anxious and worried." In China, your security and legitimate rights and interests are one hundred percent guaranteed if you abide by laws and regulations. But if you have concealed malicious intentions, I'm afraid you will be extremely distressed. 美方有关表态罔顾事实、颠倒黑白,中方对此表示坚决反对。↓ China firmly opposes such fact-distorting remarks from the US side. 美国、加拿大在孟晚舟事件上一唱一和,颠倒黑白,上演的是一出政治闹剧,再次证明这一事件的政治属性。 The US and Canada are singing a duet aimed at confusing right and wrong in a political farce. This is further proof to the very political nature of this incident. 听来听去,嗯,还是汉语最霸气! 咱们的发言人“金句”频出,留言区一众小伙伴点赞,纷纷表示“涨姿势”了。↓↓ 1566631020000环球网版权作品,未经书面授权,严禁转载或镜像,违者将被追究法律责任。责编:魏少璞环球网156663102000011[]//himg2.huanqiucdn.cn/attachment2010/2019/0824/15/18/20190824031813182.jpg{"email":"weishaopu@huanqiu.com","name":"魏少璞"}
【环球网报道 记者 侯佳欣】“你可能在某个时刻欺骗所有人,也可能在所有时刻欺骗某些人,但不可能在所有时刻欺骗所有人”。在8月23日的例行记者会上,中国外交部发言人耿爽用这句林肯名言,“回敬”了某位美国政客。 对于美国国会参院多数党领袖麦康奈尔近日涉港恶劣言论,耿爽具体回答如下: 美国总统林肯曾经说过,“你可能在某个时刻欺骗所有人,也可能在所有时刻欺骗某些人,但不可能在所有时刻欺骗所有人”。我把林肯总统这句话送给美国某些人,希望他们能够听一听这个忠告,不要再信口雌黄地抹黑,居心叵测地挑拨,煞有介事地恫吓。这样做下去,违背的是中国人民的意志,挑战的是世界人民的智商。 这一回答随即引起网友的关注和讨论,许多人赞其“怼得好”。有网友表示,这是“师夷长技以制夷”。 刷屏网络的林肯名言,英文原文是什么样呢? 今天,外交部发言人办公室微信公众号给出了答案。↓ “You can fool all the people some of the time, and some of the people all the time, but you cannot fool all the people all the time.” 除了这处精彩的引用,昨天的记者发布会上,耿爽还连用17个成语和名言,怒怼试图干涉中国内政的英国、美国以及加拿大等西方国家。 下面就来回顾一下部分实录(附英文)。↓ 我们也多次就英方近期在涉港问题上一系列错误言行向英方提出严正交涉,要求英方停止指手画脚、说三道四,不要再插手香港事务,也不要再干涉中国内政。↓ We have also lodged stern representations with the British side on its erroneous words and deeds relating to Hong Kong. We urge the UK to stop wantonly commenting on Hong Kong-related affairs and stop interfering in China's internal affairs. 这种公然煽动暴力对抗、堂而皇之干涉他国内政、蓄意挑拨中国与他国关系的做法令人无法接受。↓ They are blatantly instigating violent confrontation, flagrantly interfering in China's internal affairs and sowing discord between China and other countries. That is completely unacceptable. 我把林肯总统这句话送给美国某些人,希望他们能够听一听这个忠告,不要再信口雌黄地抹黑,居心叵测地挑拨,煞有介事地恫吓。这样做下去,违背的是中国人民的意志,挑战的是世界人民的智商。↓ We advise certain people in the US to heed the wise counsel and stop their malicious smear, incitement and intimidation campaign. Otherwise they would be going against the will of the Chinese people and challenging the judgment of the world. 我要再次强调,香港是中国的香港,香港事务纯属中国内政。美方不得插手,不得干预,不得胡作非为。 Let me reiterate, Hong Kong is part of China and its affairs are China's internal affairs. We will not allow the US to meddle and wreak havoc. 很明显,美方言论是在挑拨离间,别有用心,目的是搞乱南海局势,破坏地区和平稳定。↓ Apparently, the US is attempting to drive a wedge between China and others out of ill intentions. 但我想告诉加方一句话,孔老夫子的一句话,叫作“君子坦荡荡,小人长戚戚”。如果你行得正、坐得端,不违法违规,那么你到中国来,安全和合法权益是有着充分保障的。但如果你有着不可告人的目的,图谋不轨,那恐怕在中国就要担惊受怕,格外小心。↓ But I'd like to quote Confucius, "an upright man is open and poised while a petty man is anxious and worried." In China, your security and legitimate rights and interests are one hundred percent guaranteed if you abide by laws and regulations. But if you have concealed malicious intentions, I'm afraid you will be extremely distressed. 美方有关表态罔顾事实、颠倒黑白,中方对此表示坚决反对。↓ China firmly opposes such fact-distorting remarks from the US side. 美国、加拿大在孟晚舟事件上一唱一和,颠倒黑白,上演的是一出政治闹剧,再次证明这一事件的政治属性。 The US and Canada are singing a duet aimed at confusing right and wrong in a political farce. This is further proof to the very political nature of this incident. 听来听去,嗯,还是汉语最霸气! 咱们的发言人“金句”频出,留言区一众小伙伴点赞,纷纷表示“涨姿势”了。↓↓