9CaKrnKjgin world.huanqiu.comarticle从出生开始,这个小可爱一直享受皇帝般的待遇!/e3pmh22ph/e3pmh2398应法国总统马克龙邀请,国家主席习近平即将对法国进行国事访问。作为中法友谊的象征的旅法大熊猫“圆梦”如今生活得怎么样呢?2017年8月“圆梦”出生了。作为旅游法大熊猫“欢欢”和“圆仔”的第一个宝宝,“圆梦”是第一只诞生在法国的熊猫幼崽,从出生起,就备受关注。The parents of Yuan Meng, Huan Huan and Yuan Zi, arrived in France in January 2012 on a 10-year loan from China.“圆梦”的父母是“欢欢”和“圆仔”。它们2012年1月来到法国,租期10年。Via xinhua这对明星夫妻来到动物园后,很快成为人气王。Since the couple's arrival, the number of visitors to the Beauval Zoo has doubled, and reached 1.5 million in 2017.园方介绍说,随着欢欢”和“圆仔”入驻博瓦勒动物园,游客数量翻了一番。全园2017年接待游客数量150万人次。Via Xinhua现在动物园的网站和Facebook主页,也是“圆梦”一家三口的照片。“圆梦”的待遇有多好呢?法国第一夫人给起名字2017年法国总统夫人布丽吉特出席熊猫幼崽的命名仪式。During a naming ceremony on Dec. 4, French First Lady, new panda's godmother, announced with Chinese officials that the four-month-old cub's name was Yuan Meng which means "dream comes true" in Chinese.当地时间2017年12月4日,法国为首只在法国出生的大熊猫举行命名仪式。大熊猫的“教母”、法国第一夫人布里吉特和中方官员出席,把这只4个月大的熊猫取名为“圆梦”,意思为实现梦想。Via Xinhua陪法国总统马克龙过生日。总统马克龙本人也曾在40岁生日之际,专门前往动物园看望“圆梦”。French President Emmanuel Macron on Saturday visited Yuan Meng, the country's first-ever panda cub, while he was celebrating his 40th birthday with family at Beauval zoo in central France, the zoo said in a statement.动物园通过一个声明说,法国总统马克龙在庆祝他40岁生日的时候和家人一起造访动物园,专门看望“圆梦”。Via XinhuaVia Xinhua明星礼遇去年8月4号,“圆梦”的一岁生日也是超级轰动了。Via Twitter法国博瓦勒野生动物园专门为小家伙准备了生日礼物,数以千计的法国人到动物园与小“圆梦”一起度过了愉快的一天。Cake, posters, mascots and even books and CDs on the one-year-old male cub are offered to hundreds of fans who have been queuing for long minutes in hope to catch a glimpse of the chubby bear.为了给“圆梦”庆生的游客和粉丝们准备了蛋糕、海报、吉祥物甚至是书籍和CD!大家等了很久就是为了看一眼小家伙。The ceremony started at around 9:15 local time (0715 GMT) when Yuan Meng, accompanied by two caretakers, entered the outdoor enclosure to discover "special baby panda", a glace birthday cake made of honey, fruits and bamboo which did not immediatly arouse its appetite.9点整,“圆梦”在两名饲养员的陪伴下闪亮登场。动物园方面特别准备了一个蜂蜜、水果和竹子做的蛋糕给小家伙。伙但是,小家伙对这个蛋糕并不是太喜欢。"I know there are live footage on TV, but I prefered coming and see Yuan Meng with my own eyes. I have already visited the giant pandas several times before. Yuan Meng has grown well and it is very beautiful and cute, I took a lot of photos," a visitor who gave her name as Bourreau told Xinhua while enjoying the cake with her husband.一位叫Bourreau的游客告诉记者,“虽然电视上也会播出,但是我还是想亲眼看看‘圆梦’。我已经见过很多次大熊猫了。‘圆梦’长得很好,很漂亮,很可爱,我拍了很多照片。”Via Xinhua如今,“圆梦”一家已经成了博瓦勒动物园的超级人气王。经常有粉丝评论它们一家的日常。动物园Twitter主页太可爱了!有网友表示,希望“绑架”大熊猫,让它们继续呆在法国。祝你好胃口!圆子!祝你好胃口!我的大熊猫!Via Twitter动物园园长德洛尔先生表示,希望未来能与中方有更多的合作,祝愿中法友谊长存:“对我们来说,这不仅仅是一个合作,而是坚固的友谊。我们希望能够继续保持这种友好关系。我们希望博瓦勒动物园和成都大熊猫基地的友谊能够延续下去,祝愿中法友谊长存。”Via CRI祝愿中法友谊长存!文:小亮亮资料、图:xinhua,Twitter1553417100000责编:李林芝环球时报GlobalTimes155341710000011["9CaKrnKjgg1","9CaKrnKjgbs","9CaKrnKjgbr","9CaKrnKjgbp","9CaKrnKjgbq"]//himg2.huanqiucdn.cn/attachment2010/2019/0324/20190324044628960.jpg{"email":"lilinzhi@huanqiu.com","name":"李林芝"}
应法国总统马克龙邀请,国家主席习近平即将对法国进行国事访问。作为中法友谊的象征的旅法大熊猫“圆梦”如今生活得怎么样呢?2017年8月“圆梦”出生了。作为旅游法大熊猫“欢欢”和“圆仔”的第一个宝宝,“圆梦”是第一只诞生在法国的熊猫幼崽,从出生起,就备受关注。The parents of Yuan Meng, Huan Huan and Yuan Zi, arrived in France in January 2012 on a 10-year loan from China.“圆梦”的父母是“欢欢”和“圆仔”。它们2012年1月来到法国,租期10年。Via xinhua这对明星夫妻来到动物园后,很快成为人气王。Since the couple's arrival, the number of visitors to the Beauval Zoo has doubled, and reached 1.5 million in 2017.园方介绍说,随着欢欢”和“圆仔”入驻博瓦勒动物园,游客数量翻了一番。全园2017年接待游客数量150万人次。Via Xinhua现在动物园的网站和Facebook主页,也是“圆梦”一家三口的照片。“圆梦”的待遇有多好呢?法国第一夫人给起名字2017年法国总统夫人布丽吉特出席熊猫幼崽的命名仪式。During a naming ceremony on Dec. 4, French First Lady, new panda's godmother, announced with Chinese officials that the four-month-old cub's name was Yuan Meng which means "dream comes true" in Chinese.当地时间2017年12月4日,法国为首只在法国出生的大熊猫举行命名仪式。大熊猫的“教母”、法国第一夫人布里吉特和中方官员出席,把这只4个月大的熊猫取名为“圆梦”,意思为实现梦想。Via Xinhua陪法国总统马克龙过生日。总统马克龙本人也曾在40岁生日之际,专门前往动物园看望“圆梦”。French President Emmanuel Macron on Saturday visited Yuan Meng, the country's first-ever panda cub, while he was celebrating his 40th birthday with family at Beauval zoo in central France, the zoo said in a statement.动物园通过一个声明说,法国总统马克龙在庆祝他40岁生日的时候和家人一起造访动物园,专门看望“圆梦”。Via XinhuaVia Xinhua明星礼遇去年8月4号,“圆梦”的一岁生日也是超级轰动了。Via Twitter法国博瓦勒野生动物园专门为小家伙准备了生日礼物,数以千计的法国人到动物园与小“圆梦”一起度过了愉快的一天。Cake, posters, mascots and even books and CDs on the one-year-old male cub are offered to hundreds of fans who have been queuing for long minutes in hope to catch a glimpse of the chubby bear.为了给“圆梦”庆生的游客和粉丝们准备了蛋糕、海报、吉祥物甚至是书籍和CD!大家等了很久就是为了看一眼小家伙。The ceremony started at around 9:15 local time (0715 GMT) when Yuan Meng, accompanied by two caretakers, entered the outdoor enclosure to discover "special baby panda", a glace birthday cake made of honey, fruits and bamboo which did not immediatly arouse its appetite.9点整,“圆梦”在两名饲养员的陪伴下闪亮登场。动物园方面特别准备了一个蜂蜜、水果和竹子做的蛋糕给小家伙。伙但是,小家伙对这个蛋糕并不是太喜欢。"I know there are live footage on TV, but I prefered coming and see Yuan Meng with my own eyes. I have already visited the giant pandas several times before. Yuan Meng has grown well and it is very beautiful and cute, I took a lot of photos," a visitor who gave her name as Bourreau told Xinhua while enjoying the cake with her husband.一位叫Bourreau的游客告诉记者,“虽然电视上也会播出,但是我还是想亲眼看看‘圆梦’。我已经见过很多次大熊猫了。‘圆梦’长得很好,很漂亮,很可爱,我拍了很多照片。”Via Xinhua如今,“圆梦”一家已经成了博瓦勒动物园的超级人气王。经常有粉丝评论它们一家的日常。动物园Twitter主页太可爱了!有网友表示,希望“绑架”大熊猫,让它们继续呆在法国。祝你好胃口!圆子!祝你好胃口!我的大熊猫!Via Twitter动物园园长德洛尔先生表示,希望未来能与中方有更多的合作,祝愿中法友谊长存:“对我们来说,这不仅仅是一个合作,而是坚固的友谊。我们希望能够继续保持这种友好关系。我们希望博瓦勒动物园和成都大熊猫基地的友谊能够延续下去,祝愿中法友谊长存。”Via CRI祝愿中法友谊长存!文:小亮亮资料、图:xinhua,Twitter