487AH0nwsWQ world.huanqiu.comarticle世卫组织:天花疫苗对猴痘病毒有效性高达85%/e3pmh22ph/e3pmh2398当地时间5月21日,世界卫生组织预测,随着监测范围的扩大,预计全球将出现更多猴痘病例。世界卫生组织数据显示,截至21日,12个非猴痘流行国家已报告92例猴痘确诊病例和28例疑似病例。与此同时,瑞士、以色列也出现首例猴痘确诊病例。 The World Health Organization (WHO) said 92 confirmed cases and 28 suspected monkeypox infections have been reported in 12 member states as of Saturday. More cases are expected as the WHO expands surveillance in countries where the disease is not typically found. Authorities in Israel and Switzerland also reported their first confirmed cases of monkeypox on Saturday. 俄罗斯研发猴痘病毒检测盒 已完成实验室测试 当地时间21日,俄罗斯卫生部长穆拉什科表示,俄罗斯境内目前没有发现猴痘病毒感染的病例。这得益于1980年以前所进行的疫苗接种,部分俄罗斯人对猴痘病毒拥有免疫力。 此外,俄罗斯“矢量”病毒学与生物技术国家科学中心(下称“矢量”中心)科研人员研制出了一种自动操作的检测试剂盒(下称检测盒),可用于检测包括猴痘病毒在内的正痘病毒。针对该检测盒的实验室测试已顺利完成。 “矢量”中心日前发布消息说,这种检测盒能从实验动物样本中成功检测出其感染的正痘病毒。在临床模式下开展的实验室测试表明,检测盒能有效测出牛痘病毒、猴痘病毒、痘苗病毒等正痘病毒。此外,这种检测盒的相关设备配套、易于分析样本、直观记录结果等特点,使得检测可在非实验室条件下进行。 Some Russians are immune to monkeypox thanks to the mandatory smallpox vaccination carried out in the Soviet Union until 1980, Health Minister Mikhail Murashko said on Saturday. Researchers of Russia's "Vector" National Science Center for Virology and Biotechnology have developed an automatic test kit, which can be used to detect orthopoxviruses, including the monkeypox virus. Laboratory testing of the kit has been successfully completed. 世卫组织:天花疫苗对猴痘病毒有效性高达85% 引发猴痘的病毒与天花属于同一病毒家族,只是严重程度要轻得多。尽管很多人担心猴痘会成为下一个大流行病,但流行病学家认为,欧洲猴痘疫情不太可能发展成全球流行病。 德国疾控机构罗伯特·科赫研究所的法比安·伦德表示,猴痘疫情不大可能持续很长时间,通过追踪密切接触人员,可以很好地隔离这些病例,如有必要,也可以使用药物和有效疫苗。 目前没有专门的猴痘疫苗,不过世卫组织数据显示,天花疫苗对猴痘病毒的有效性高达85%。英国政府已经开始向部分医疗工作者或有猴痘病毒暴露风险的人群提供天花疫苗。 "However, it is very unlikely that this epidemic will last long. The cases can be well isolated via contact tracing and there are also drugs and effective vaccines that can be used if necessary," Fabian Lund of Germany's governmental health agency,the Robert Koch Institute, said. Data shows that vaccines that were used to eradicate smallpox are up to 85 percent effective against monkeypox, according to the WHO. There isn't a specific vaccine for monkeypox, but a smallpox vaccine does offer some protection. Reuters has reported that the UK has already offered smallpox vaccines to some healthcare workers and others who may have been exposed. Some countries have large stockpiles of the smallpox vaccine as part of pandemic preparedness. 1653222427073责编:樊羽玮CGTN165322242707311[]//img.huanqiucdn.cn/dp/api/files/imageDir/59b2084f6e8ebce53b00451714d64c54.png{"email":"fanyuwei@huanqiu.com","name":"樊羽玮"}
当地时间5月21日,世界卫生组织预测,随着监测范围的扩大,预计全球将出现更多猴痘病例。世界卫生组织数据显示,截至21日,12个非猴痘流行国家已报告92例猴痘确诊病例和28例疑似病例。与此同时,瑞士、以色列也出现首例猴痘确诊病例。 The World Health Organization (WHO) said 92 confirmed cases and 28 suspected monkeypox infections have been reported in 12 member states as of Saturday. More cases are expected as the WHO expands surveillance in countries where the disease is not typically found. Authorities in Israel and Switzerland also reported their first confirmed cases of monkeypox on Saturday. 俄罗斯研发猴痘病毒检测盒 已完成实验室测试 当地时间21日,俄罗斯卫生部长穆拉什科表示,俄罗斯境内目前没有发现猴痘病毒感染的病例。这得益于1980年以前所进行的疫苗接种,部分俄罗斯人对猴痘病毒拥有免疫力。 此外,俄罗斯“矢量”病毒学与生物技术国家科学中心(下称“矢量”中心)科研人员研制出了一种自动操作的检测试剂盒(下称检测盒),可用于检测包括猴痘病毒在内的正痘病毒。针对该检测盒的实验室测试已顺利完成。 “矢量”中心日前发布消息说,这种检测盒能从实验动物样本中成功检测出其感染的正痘病毒。在临床模式下开展的实验室测试表明,检测盒能有效测出牛痘病毒、猴痘病毒、痘苗病毒等正痘病毒。此外,这种检测盒的相关设备配套、易于分析样本、直观记录结果等特点,使得检测可在非实验室条件下进行。 Some Russians are immune to monkeypox thanks to the mandatory smallpox vaccination carried out in the Soviet Union until 1980, Health Minister Mikhail Murashko said on Saturday. Researchers of Russia's "Vector" National Science Center for Virology and Biotechnology have developed an automatic test kit, which can be used to detect orthopoxviruses, including the monkeypox virus. Laboratory testing of the kit has been successfully completed. 世卫组织:天花疫苗对猴痘病毒有效性高达85% 引发猴痘的病毒与天花属于同一病毒家族,只是严重程度要轻得多。尽管很多人担心猴痘会成为下一个大流行病,但流行病学家认为,欧洲猴痘疫情不太可能发展成全球流行病。 德国疾控机构罗伯特·科赫研究所的法比安·伦德表示,猴痘疫情不大可能持续很长时间,通过追踪密切接触人员,可以很好地隔离这些病例,如有必要,也可以使用药物和有效疫苗。 目前没有专门的猴痘疫苗,不过世卫组织数据显示,天花疫苗对猴痘病毒的有效性高达85%。英国政府已经开始向部分医疗工作者或有猴痘病毒暴露风险的人群提供天花疫苗。 "However, it is very unlikely that this epidemic will last long. The cases can be well isolated via contact tracing and there are also drugs and effective vaccines that can be used if necessary," Fabian Lund of Germany's governmental health agency,the Robert Koch Institute, said. Data shows that vaccines that were used to eradicate smallpox are up to 85 percent effective against monkeypox, according to the WHO. There isn't a specific vaccine for monkeypox, but a smallpox vaccine does offer some protection. Reuters has reported that the UK has already offered smallpox vaccines to some healthcare workers and others who may have been exposed. Some countries have large stockpiles of the smallpox vaccine as part of pandemic preparedness.