46cri31MhkX world.huanqiu.comarticle查尔斯王子发中英文祝福:祝所有在中国以及全世界庆祝农历新年的人新年快乐!/e3pmh22ph/e3pmh26vv【环球网报道】当地时间1月30日,英国威尔士亲王官方网站刊登查尔斯王子用中文和英文发表的双语新年祝福,全文如下:我和我的妻子祝愿所有在中国、以及全世界庆祝农历新年的人——新年快乐、身体健康、万事如意。虎象征着勇敢、勇于挑战和冒险。在我们迎接虎年之际,我希望全世界都能行动起来,让我们一起调整我们的生活和工作方式,与自然和地球和谐相处,为我们的孩子们创造一个更美好的未来。福虎祈福,阖家幸福新年快乐My wife and I would like to wish a happy, healthy and prosperous New Year to all those in China – and everyone celebrating the new Lunar Year across the world.As we enter the Year of The Tiger, known for courageous action and rising to challenge and adventure, I hope the whole world will make this a year of action. Together let’s create a better future for all our children by shifting the way we live and work to be in harmony with Nature and the planet.The blessing of the tiger brings happiness to all families in the year of the tiger.Wishing you peace and happiness.中国政府朝鲜半岛事务特别代表、前中国驻英国大使刘晓明在社交媒体上转发了查尔斯王子的推特,并同样用中英文写道:“衷心感谢英国王储威尔士亲王查尔斯殿下虎年新春祝福。Many thanks to The Prince of Wales for his message of congratulations as we are celebrating the year of the Tiger.”1643612888298环球网版权作品,未经书面授权,严禁转载或镜像,违者将被追究法律责任。责编:樊羽玮环球网164361288829811[]//img.huanqiucdn.cn/dp/api/files/imageDir/b351269af0770d448fb3ff6c7ce37328u1.png{"email":"fanyuwei@huanqiu.com","name":"樊羽玮"}
【环球网报道】当地时间1月30日,英国威尔士亲王官方网站刊登查尔斯王子用中文和英文发表的双语新年祝福,全文如下:我和我的妻子祝愿所有在中国、以及全世界庆祝农历新年的人——新年快乐、身体健康、万事如意。虎象征着勇敢、勇于挑战和冒险。在我们迎接虎年之际,我希望全世界都能行动起来,让我们一起调整我们的生活和工作方式,与自然和地球和谐相处,为我们的孩子们创造一个更美好的未来。福虎祈福,阖家幸福新年快乐My wife and I would like to wish a happy, healthy and prosperous New Year to all those in China – and everyone celebrating the new Lunar Year across the world.As we enter the Year of The Tiger, known for courageous action and rising to challenge and adventure, I hope the whole world will make this a year of action. Together let’s create a better future for all our children by shifting the way we live and work to be in harmony with Nature and the planet.The blessing of the tiger brings happiness to all families in the year of the tiger.Wishing you peace and happiness.中国政府朝鲜半岛事务特别代表、前中国驻英国大使刘晓明在社交媒体上转发了查尔斯王子的推特,并同样用中英文写道:“衷心感谢英国王储威尔士亲王查尔斯殿下虎年新春祝福。Many thanks to The Prince of Wales for his message of congratulations as we are celebrating the year of the Tiger.”