44YHP3jTQTy world.huanqiu.comarticle发球那一刻,他已经赢得了所有人的尊重!马龙曾这样评价他……/e3pmh22ph/e3pmh2398东京残奥会的乒乓赛场,48岁的埃及运动员易卜拉欣·哈马托给人们留下深刻印象。 失去手臂的他口衔球拍,用脚发球,虽然未能在首场比赛中取胜,但其顽强拼搏的精神仍然赢得了所有人的尊重。 Holding the bat in his mouth, the Egyptian para-table tennis champion gets the rally going by flicking the ball up high with his right foot. Sinking through the air, the delicate white sphere meets his racket and comes out charging like a bullet with a powerful spin.这位埃及残疾乒乓球冠军嘴里叼着球拍,用右脚将球高高弹起来击球对打。白色的乒乓球在空中下落,碰到他的球拍,像子弹一样猛烈旋转出去。哈马托在赛场上的表现感动了许多网友,微博上关于他的话题阅读量已经超过3亿。 实际上,早在2014年,哈马托就已经在网络上受到关注。 Astonishing images of Hamadtou holding the paddle in his mouth and striking back at opponents went viral in 2014 when he made an appearance at the World Team Championships as a guest of honor, lining up against the world's finest.哈马托2014年受邀参加世乒赛,和世界乒乓球高手同台竞技,他用嘴衔住球拍和对手击球的图片令人震惊不已,很快在网络上走红。易卜拉欣·哈马托居住在埃及的达米埃塔,曾经是一名木匠。一天乘火车回家时,哈马托不慎跌落在了火车与站台之间的缝隙里,导致双臂被截肢。 但这并不影响他对乒乓球的热爱,他找到了适合自己的方式继续追逐乒乓之梦。 Starting at 13, Hamadto spent years working hard to perfect his game —— initially he tried different options at gripping the bat, including holding it under his armpit, before deciding to handle it with his mouth.13岁开始,哈马托多年勤奋练习,精进技艺,一开始他尝试了不同的拿球拍方式,包括把球拍夹在腋下,最终他决定用嘴衔住球拍。从此,哈马托用自己独特的打球方式,一步步走向国际赛场。 2011年,在非洲残疾人乒乓球大赛中,哈马托获得男子单打亚军。他的事迹感动了时任国际乒联主席,在2014年的日本世乒赛上,他受邀作为嘉宾参与了表演赛,还曾经和马龙等中国乒乓球运动员进行过友谊赛。 来源:国际奥委会网站 马龙都在采访时称赞:“他打得非常好,我简直不敢相信!” 2016年,哈马托代表埃及参加里约残奥会。而如今,他又站在了东京残奥会的赛场上。 每场比赛背后他都需要付出不懈的努力和淋漓的汗水。 击球需要他全身移动,他需要不断加强腿部力量,因为他比其他任何球员都更依赖他的腿。他的脖子也需要不断地加强锻炼,还有他的牙齿,球拍不能在他的牙齿之间移动,因为那样会导致击球很不稳定。 "It was quite difficult playing table tennis after the accident," Hamadto recalled. "I had to practice hard for three consecutive years on a daily basis. At the beginning, people were amazed and surprised seeing me playing. They encouraged and supported me a lot and they were very proud of my willing, perseverance and determination."哈马托身体力行诠释了奥林匹克精神,让奥运会焕发更多光彩,让人们看到每个人身上的无限可能性。 "I believe that nothing is impossible, as long as you work hard," said Hamadto. "This is the message I would like to send to people."哈马托说:“我想要告诉所有人,没什么是不可能的,只要你为你自己所热爱之事付出努力。”相信他的故事会让我们在面对困境时拥有更多勇气。 永不言弃,一切便皆有可能! 1630225498258责编:魏少璞中国日报双语新闻163022549825811[]{"email":"weishaopu@huanqiu.com","name":"魏少璞"}
东京残奥会的乒乓赛场,48岁的埃及运动员易卜拉欣·哈马托给人们留下深刻印象。 失去手臂的他口衔球拍,用脚发球,虽然未能在首场比赛中取胜,但其顽强拼搏的精神仍然赢得了所有人的尊重。 Holding the bat in his mouth, the Egyptian para-table tennis champion gets the rally going by flicking the ball up high with his right foot. Sinking through the air, the delicate white sphere meets his racket and comes out charging like a bullet with a powerful spin.这位埃及残疾乒乓球冠军嘴里叼着球拍,用右脚将球高高弹起来击球对打。白色的乒乓球在空中下落,碰到他的球拍,像子弹一样猛烈旋转出去。哈马托在赛场上的表现感动了许多网友,微博上关于他的话题阅读量已经超过3亿。 实际上,早在2014年,哈马托就已经在网络上受到关注。 Astonishing images of Hamadtou holding the paddle in his mouth and striking back at opponents went viral in 2014 when he made an appearance at the World Team Championships as a guest of honor, lining up against the world's finest.哈马托2014年受邀参加世乒赛,和世界乒乓球高手同台竞技,他用嘴衔住球拍和对手击球的图片令人震惊不已,很快在网络上走红。易卜拉欣·哈马托居住在埃及的达米埃塔,曾经是一名木匠。一天乘火车回家时,哈马托不慎跌落在了火车与站台之间的缝隙里,导致双臂被截肢。 但这并不影响他对乒乓球的热爱,他找到了适合自己的方式继续追逐乒乓之梦。 Starting at 13, Hamadto spent years working hard to perfect his game —— initially he tried different options at gripping the bat, including holding it under his armpit, before deciding to handle it with his mouth.13岁开始,哈马托多年勤奋练习,精进技艺,一开始他尝试了不同的拿球拍方式,包括把球拍夹在腋下,最终他决定用嘴衔住球拍。从此,哈马托用自己独特的打球方式,一步步走向国际赛场。 2011年,在非洲残疾人乒乓球大赛中,哈马托获得男子单打亚军。他的事迹感动了时任国际乒联主席,在2014年的日本世乒赛上,他受邀作为嘉宾参与了表演赛,还曾经和马龙等中国乒乓球运动员进行过友谊赛。 来源:国际奥委会网站 马龙都在采访时称赞:“他打得非常好,我简直不敢相信!” 2016年,哈马托代表埃及参加里约残奥会。而如今,他又站在了东京残奥会的赛场上。 每场比赛背后他都需要付出不懈的努力和淋漓的汗水。 击球需要他全身移动,他需要不断加强腿部力量,因为他比其他任何球员都更依赖他的腿。他的脖子也需要不断地加强锻炼,还有他的牙齿,球拍不能在他的牙齿之间移动,因为那样会导致击球很不稳定。 "It was quite difficult playing table tennis after the accident," Hamadto recalled. "I had to practice hard for three consecutive years on a daily basis. At the beginning, people were amazed and surprised seeing me playing. They encouraged and supported me a lot and they were very proud of my willing, perseverance and determination."哈马托身体力行诠释了奥林匹克精神,让奥运会焕发更多光彩,让人们看到每个人身上的无限可能性。 "I believe that nothing is impossible, as long as you work hard," said Hamadto. "This is the message I would like to send to people."哈马托说:“我想要告诉所有人,没什么是不可能的,只要你为你自己所热爱之事付出努力。”相信他的故事会让我们在面对困境时拥有更多勇气。 永不言弃,一切便皆有可能!