9CaKrnKk9gI作者:Wang Hanworld.huanqiu.comarticle做比尔·盖茨的女人是种什么体验?梅琳达说:我也曾努力避孕.../e3pmh22ph/e3pmh2398做一名大佬的女人,究竟是一种怎样的体验?一般人是否能承受?一名对此非常有经验的女士,也就是比尔⋅盖茨的妻子,罕见地说出与丈夫的私生活...说到世界顶级富豪,很多人脑子里第一个想到的就是微软公司的创始人比尔⋅盖茨(Bill Gates)。退休多年的他,2018年和2019年依旧位居《福布斯》全球富豪榜的第二位;个人财富净值达到1015亿美元。Via Forbes那做比尔⋅盖茨的妻子,是一种什么样的体验?不差钱的婚姻问题就会减少,更加幸福和甜蜜?他的妻子梅琳达⋅盖茨(Melinda Gates)最近又出了一本自传:《提升的时刻:赋权妇女如何改变世界》(The Moment of Lift: How Empowering Women Changes the World)。这本书首次让公众了解到她与盖茨婚姻的一些细节。Via Ins1964年出生的梅琳达毕业于美国杜克大学计算机系。她曾是微软公司的一名员工。她与比尔⋅盖茨相识时,盖茨已是科技界富豪;两人的经济水平充满悬殊。1994年1月他们婚礼的那一天,客人中就有6位亿万美元富豪。梅琳达要如何跟一位全球顶级富豪经营一个家庭?比尔⋅盖茨是否会帮她一起做家务带孩子?她要如何在富豪丈夫身边保持自我和自我实现?Via Ins梅琳达这本自传中有一章叫“沉默的不平等”,讲的是全球许多女性默默承受一些没有报酬的工作,比如做家务带孩子等。她指出,全球女性平均比男性多做7年的“无偿劳动”。她提到,这种不平等在她的婚姻中也曾出现,但她跟丈夫做了很多努力,去消除这种不平等”。“On average, women around the world spend more than twice as many hours as men on unpaid work,” writes Gates. “But the range of the disparity is wide.” In poorer countries, women tend to spend even more time on unpaid work,deepening the divide between their opportunities outside of the home and those of the men around them.“世界上的女人们花在无偿劳动上的时间平均约超过男人的两倍,且男女的差距很大,”梅琳达写道。在贫穷些的国家,女人往往会花更多的时间在无偿劳动上,这让女性相比男性,更难在家庭之外获得机会。In one telling (and hilarious) anecdote, Gates writes about how, when her daughter Jenn was in kindergarten, she had to drive back and forth to her school twice a day, a forty-minute commute each way.在一篇(好笑的)轶事中,梅琳达写到关于当她的女儿Jenn在幼儿园时,她不得不每天两次来回幼儿园,每趟单程需要40分钟。She told her husband about her frustration with spending so much time in the car every day, and he offered to take on some of the drop-offs.About three weeks in, she started noticing more dads than usual dropping their kids off in her daughter’s class. Gates went up to another mom and asked what was going on. The other mom replied: “When we saw Bill driving, we went home and said to our husbands, ‘Bill Gates is driving his child to school; you can too.'”她对比尔说,每天要花这么多时间在车上让她感到非常沮丧。而比尔提出愿意承担一些接送。过了大约三周,她开始发现女儿班中有比以往更多的父亲来接送孩子。梅琳达走向另一位母亲并询问发生了什么事。另一位母亲回答:“当我们看到比尔开车,我们回家告诉了我们的丈夫,‘比尔⋅盖茨在送他的孩子去学校,你也可以。’”Via fortune.comVia Ins梅琳达在婚姻中遇到的另一个问题,是关于怀孕。什么时候要小孩,要几个小孩,都曾让她思考...他们结婚两年后,梅琳达怀上了第一个孩子。但一开始,她并不太敢告诉丈夫怀孕的消息。In 1995, after Bill and I had been married nearly two years and were about to leave on a trip to China, I discovered I was pregnant.1995年,我跟比尔结婚将近2年了。当时我们准备出发去中国旅游,但我突然发现自己怀孕了。This China trip was a huge deal for us. Bill rarely took time off from Microsoft, and we were going with other couples as well.这场中国之行对我们来说很重要。比尔几乎没有请过假,而陪同我们一起去的还有其他几对夫妻。I didn’t want to mess up the trip, so I considered not telling Bill I was pregnant until we came back. For a day and a half, I thought, I’ll just save the news. Then I realised: ‘No, I’ve got to tell him because what if something goes wrong? And, more basically, I’ve got to tell him because it’s his baby, too.’我并不想因怀孕的事情扫了大家的兴。所以我决定旅游回来再告诉比尔我怀孕的消息。我大约守着这个秘密守了一天半,然后我意识到:“我不能不说。要是发生什么意外情况的话,比尔不知道怎么办?再说,他是孩子的爸爸,有权利知道。”Via dailymail.co.uk怀孕之后,梅琳达就考虑是否要继续去上班。她当时的价值观认为女人怀孕后做全职主妇很正常。Via Ins但后来,她意识到,她只是很幸运没有经济压力。但对很多女性来说,并没有这么好运。怀孕会影响女性的事业,影响女性的赚钱机会...因此女性应有避孕的意识。Frankly, I think it’s great if women want to stay at home. But it should be a choice — not something we do because we think we have no choice. I don’t regret my decision. I’d make it again. At the time, though, I just assumed that’s what women do.坦白说,如果女性怀孕后想做全职太太,我认为没什么不好。但做全职太太必须是我们自愿的决定,而不是别无选择下的妥协。我不后悔孩子刚出生那几年没去工作。我现在还会这么做。但在当时,我以为女性是注定了要做全职太太的。Poverty goes hand-in-hand with powerless women. If you search for poverty, you will find women without power. If you explore prosperity, you will find women who have power and use it.无助且没有能力的女人,总是容易陷入贫困。如果你去了解下贫困人口,你会发现很多是没有能力的女人。如果你去看看哪些人群是富裕群体,你会发现一群掌握能力并知道如何使用这些能力的女人。Quite simply, contraceptives are the greatest life-saving, poverty-ending, women-empowering innovation ever created.简单来说,避孕措施这种伟大的发明,拯救了生命,有助于消除贫困,并赋予女性权利。I had an opportunity to have two careers and the family of my dreams because we were in the fortunate position of not needing my income. There was also another reason whose full significance wouldn’t become clear to me for years: I had the benefit of a small pill that allowed me to time and space my pregnancies.我能够同时拥有两份事业,并经营自己理想中的家庭,一方面是由于良好的经济条件(不需要我养家),但另一个重要的原因就是,我能够通过一个小药片,控制怀孕的时间和不同怀孕之间的间隔。避孕药的重要性,我很多年后才意识到。It’s no accident that I didn’t get pregnant until I had worked nearly a decade at Microsoft and Bill and I were ready to have children. It’s no accident Rory was born three years after Jenn, and our daughter, Phoebe, three years after Rory.我在微软公司工作近10年后,我跟丈夫都准备好了,我才怀孕,这并不是意外。在大女Jenn出生三年后我才生下儿子Rory, 也不是意外。我生下Rory三年后,才生下Phoebe, 也是靠避孕措施。Via dailymail.co.uk除了避孕,梅琳达还分享了婚后住在丈夫买的豪宅中,内心的不安...Via Ins;盖茨夫妇的小女儿(左);比尔⋅盖茨(左二);盖茨夫妇的大女儿(中)梅琳达⋅盖茨;盖茨夫妇的儿子(右)I was no longer the computer science business executive. I was a mom with a small child and a husband who was busy and travelling a lot, and we were moving into agigantic house, and I was wondering what people would think of me, because that house was not me.That’s where I was when I began the long climb toward an equal partnership.(结婚后),我不再是一名计算机业务主管。我是一个年幼的孩子的母亲,一个繁忙且经常出差的男人的妻子。我们搬进了一座巨大的豪宅。但我担心别人会怎么看我,因为这个豪宅并不是我的。当时我的处境让我想要努力追赶上丈夫,让我们的关系保持平等。We’ve come a long way in the 20 or so years since then. Bill has said often in interviews that he’s always had a partner in everything he’s ever done.从那时起,我们的婚姻又维持了20年。比尔经常在访谈中说,他做任何事情时都有另一伴的支持。That’s true, but he hasn’t always had an equal partner.He’s had to learn how to be an equal, and I’ve had to learn how to step up and be an equal.这是真的,但他并不是一直有个平等的伴侣。他曾学习如何在婚姻中与妻子保持平等,而我也曾努力提升自己,让自己处于跟他平等的位置。Via dailymail.co.uk对于梅琳达第一次公开分享她婚姻中比较私密的细节,网友们也是褒贬不一。“我觉得拥有如此巨大的财富,会疏远你和朋友们,因此你才感觉孤独。有钱到这份上,你跟多数人已经没什么共同点。这么有钱也是有悲哀的地方。但至少,你们住在1亿美元的豪宅里,知足吧。”“听起来,盖茨一家挺正常的挺好的。祝他们幸福。”做壕的另一伴,你愿意吗?评论区分享你的观点吧~1556524260000责编:王怡环球时报GlobalTimes155652426000011["9CaKrnKi02d","9CaKrnKhZPF","9CaKrnKhZNc","9CaKrnKh9Nn"]//himg2.huanqiucdn.cn/attachment2010/2019/0429/20190429035522697.jpg{"email":"shixi@huanqiu.com","name":"王怡"}
做一名大佬的女人,究竟是一种怎样的体验?一般人是否能承受?一名对此非常有经验的女士,也就是比尔⋅盖茨的妻子,罕见地说出与丈夫的私生活...说到世界顶级富豪,很多人脑子里第一个想到的就是微软公司的创始人比尔⋅盖茨(Bill Gates)。退休多年的他,2018年和2019年依旧位居《福布斯》全球富豪榜的第二位;个人财富净值达到1015亿美元。Via Forbes那做比尔⋅盖茨的妻子,是一种什么样的体验?不差钱的婚姻问题就会减少,更加幸福和甜蜜?他的妻子梅琳达⋅盖茨(Melinda Gates)最近又出了一本自传:《提升的时刻:赋权妇女如何改变世界》(The Moment of Lift: How Empowering Women Changes the World)。这本书首次让公众了解到她与盖茨婚姻的一些细节。Via Ins1964年出生的梅琳达毕业于美国杜克大学计算机系。她曾是微软公司的一名员工。她与比尔⋅盖茨相识时,盖茨已是科技界富豪;两人的经济水平充满悬殊。1994年1月他们婚礼的那一天,客人中就有6位亿万美元富豪。梅琳达要如何跟一位全球顶级富豪经营一个家庭?比尔⋅盖茨是否会帮她一起做家务带孩子?她要如何在富豪丈夫身边保持自我和自我实现?Via Ins梅琳达这本自传中有一章叫“沉默的不平等”,讲的是全球许多女性默默承受一些没有报酬的工作,比如做家务带孩子等。她指出,全球女性平均比男性多做7年的“无偿劳动”。她提到,这种不平等在她的婚姻中也曾出现,但她跟丈夫做了很多努力,去消除这种不平等”。“On average, women around the world spend more than twice as many hours as men on unpaid work,” writes Gates. “But the range of the disparity is wide.” In poorer countries, women tend to spend even more time on unpaid work,deepening the divide between their opportunities outside of the home and those of the men around them.“世界上的女人们花在无偿劳动上的时间平均约超过男人的两倍,且男女的差距很大,”梅琳达写道。在贫穷些的国家,女人往往会花更多的时间在无偿劳动上,这让女性相比男性,更难在家庭之外获得机会。In one telling (and hilarious) anecdote, Gates writes about how, when her daughter Jenn was in kindergarten, she had to drive back and forth to her school twice a day, a forty-minute commute each way.在一篇(好笑的)轶事中,梅琳达写到关于当她的女儿Jenn在幼儿园时,她不得不每天两次来回幼儿园,每趟单程需要40分钟。She told her husband about her frustration with spending so much time in the car every day, and he offered to take on some of the drop-offs.About three weeks in, she started noticing more dads than usual dropping their kids off in her daughter’s class. Gates went up to another mom and asked what was going on. The other mom replied: “When we saw Bill driving, we went home and said to our husbands, ‘Bill Gates is driving his child to school; you can too.'”她对比尔说,每天要花这么多时间在车上让她感到非常沮丧。而比尔提出愿意承担一些接送。过了大约三周,她开始发现女儿班中有比以往更多的父亲来接送孩子。梅琳达走向另一位母亲并询问发生了什么事。另一位母亲回答:“当我们看到比尔开车,我们回家告诉了我们的丈夫,‘比尔⋅盖茨在送他的孩子去学校,你也可以。’”Via fortune.comVia Ins梅琳达在婚姻中遇到的另一个问题,是关于怀孕。什么时候要小孩,要几个小孩,都曾让她思考...他们结婚两年后,梅琳达怀上了第一个孩子。但一开始,她并不太敢告诉丈夫怀孕的消息。In 1995, after Bill and I had been married nearly two years and were about to leave on a trip to China, I discovered I was pregnant.1995年,我跟比尔结婚将近2年了。当时我们准备出发去中国旅游,但我突然发现自己怀孕了。This China trip was a huge deal for us. Bill rarely took time off from Microsoft, and we were going with other couples as well.这场中国之行对我们来说很重要。比尔几乎没有请过假,而陪同我们一起去的还有其他几对夫妻。I didn’t want to mess up the trip, so I considered not telling Bill I was pregnant until we came back. For a day and a half, I thought, I’ll just save the news. Then I realised: ‘No, I’ve got to tell him because what if something goes wrong? And, more basically, I’ve got to tell him because it’s his baby, too.’我并不想因怀孕的事情扫了大家的兴。所以我决定旅游回来再告诉比尔我怀孕的消息。我大约守着这个秘密守了一天半,然后我意识到:“我不能不说。要是发生什么意外情况的话,比尔不知道怎么办?再说,他是孩子的爸爸,有权利知道。”Via dailymail.co.uk怀孕之后,梅琳达就考虑是否要继续去上班。她当时的价值观认为女人怀孕后做全职主妇很正常。Via Ins但后来,她意识到,她只是很幸运没有经济压力。但对很多女性来说,并没有这么好运。怀孕会影响女性的事业,影响女性的赚钱机会...因此女性应有避孕的意识。Frankly, I think it’s great if women want to stay at home. But it should be a choice — not something we do because we think we have no choice. I don’t regret my decision. I’d make it again. At the time, though, I just assumed that’s what women do.坦白说,如果女性怀孕后想做全职太太,我认为没什么不好。但做全职太太必须是我们自愿的决定,而不是别无选择下的妥协。我不后悔孩子刚出生那几年没去工作。我现在还会这么做。但在当时,我以为女性是注定了要做全职太太的。Poverty goes hand-in-hand with powerless women. If you search for poverty, you will find women without power. If you explore prosperity, you will find women who have power and use it.无助且没有能力的女人,总是容易陷入贫困。如果你去了解下贫困人口,你会发现很多是没有能力的女人。如果你去看看哪些人群是富裕群体,你会发现一群掌握能力并知道如何使用这些能力的女人。Quite simply, contraceptives are the greatest life-saving, poverty-ending, women-empowering innovation ever created.简单来说,避孕措施这种伟大的发明,拯救了生命,有助于消除贫困,并赋予女性权利。I had an opportunity to have two careers and the family of my dreams because we were in the fortunate position of not needing my income. There was also another reason whose full significance wouldn’t become clear to me for years: I had the benefit of a small pill that allowed me to time and space my pregnancies.我能够同时拥有两份事业,并经营自己理想中的家庭,一方面是由于良好的经济条件(不需要我养家),但另一个重要的原因就是,我能够通过一个小药片,控制怀孕的时间和不同怀孕之间的间隔。避孕药的重要性,我很多年后才意识到。It’s no accident that I didn’t get pregnant until I had worked nearly a decade at Microsoft and Bill and I were ready to have children. It’s no accident Rory was born three years after Jenn, and our daughter, Phoebe, three years after Rory.我在微软公司工作近10年后,我跟丈夫都准备好了,我才怀孕,这并不是意外。在大女Jenn出生三年后我才生下儿子Rory, 也不是意外。我生下Rory三年后,才生下Phoebe, 也是靠避孕措施。Via dailymail.co.uk除了避孕,梅琳达还分享了婚后住在丈夫买的豪宅中,内心的不安...Via Ins;盖茨夫妇的小女儿(左);比尔⋅盖茨(左二);盖茨夫妇的大女儿(中)梅琳达⋅盖茨;盖茨夫妇的儿子(右)I was no longer the computer science business executive. I was a mom with a small child and a husband who was busy and travelling a lot, and we were moving into agigantic house, and I was wondering what people would think of me, because that house was not me.That’s where I was when I began the long climb toward an equal partnership.(结婚后),我不再是一名计算机业务主管。我是一个年幼的孩子的母亲,一个繁忙且经常出差的男人的妻子。我们搬进了一座巨大的豪宅。但我担心别人会怎么看我,因为这个豪宅并不是我的。当时我的处境让我想要努力追赶上丈夫,让我们的关系保持平等。We’ve come a long way in the 20 or so years since then. Bill has said often in interviews that he’s always had a partner in everything he’s ever done.从那时起,我们的婚姻又维持了20年。比尔经常在访谈中说,他做任何事情时都有另一伴的支持。That’s true, but he hasn’t always had an equal partner.He’s had to learn how to be an equal, and I’ve had to learn how to step up and be an equal.这是真的,但他并不是一直有个平等的伴侣。他曾学习如何在婚姻中与妻子保持平等,而我也曾努力提升自己,让自己处于跟他平等的位置。Via dailymail.co.uk对于梅琳达第一次公开分享她婚姻中比较私密的细节,网友们也是褒贬不一。“我觉得拥有如此巨大的财富,会疏远你和朋友们,因此你才感觉孤独。有钱到这份上,你跟多数人已经没什么共同点。这么有钱也是有悲哀的地方。但至少,你们住在1亿美元的豪宅里,知足吧。”“听起来,盖茨一家挺正常的挺好的。祝他们幸福。”做壕的另一伴,你愿意吗?评论区分享你的观点吧~