9CaKrnKjCkU作者:lanlanworld.huanqiu.comarticle在日本,快40岁还从来没有性生活的人,又双叒叕创新高了/e3pmh22ph/e3pmh2398这届的日本成年人,早就“佛”了。日剧,日漫,那都是唯美浪漫的代名词。樱花飘飘,裙摆飞舞……仿佛是滋生爱情与“我想和你一起起床”行为的天堂▲《一吻定情》▲《你的名字。》然鹅,二次元的世界很浪漫美好,现实的日本社会在感情方面却是……有那么点“丧”。最近,东京大学的研究人员做了一个关于“日本成年人性生活情况”的调查,结果发表在了英国医学期刊BMC上。(via BMC)调查发现,在18-39岁的日本成年人中,从没有过性生活的人高达1/4。(注意措辞:不是“没有”性生活,是“从没有”——never ever ever...)佛了佛了。这不,关于日本人很少“啪啪啪”的事,连《福布斯》杂志都来围观了……A new, detailed analysis of national fertility data finds that the proportion of adults in the country who have never had vaginal heterosexual intercourse is on the rise.一项关于最新日本生育数据的详细分析发现,日本从未有过异性性交行为的成年人比例正在上升。For women between the ages of 18 and 39, a total of 24.6 percent were virgins in 2015, up from 21.7 percent in 1992. Among men of the same age bracket, the percentage without sexual experience increased from 20 percent to 25.8 percent.2015年,18-39岁的日本女性中有24.6%从未有过性生活,高于1992年的21.7%。在相同年龄段的男性中,从未有过性生活的人数比例从1992年的20%上升到了2015年的25.8%。▲A Quarter Of Japanese Adults Under 40 Are Virgins, And The Number Is Increasing (via Forbes)有人可能会觉得,“18-39岁”这个范围太广了。毕竟在如今,20来岁不滚床单十分正常,大家都忙着工作挣钱改变世界呢那么,再来看看“30-39岁”的数据:The trend towards less sex was consistent even forthe older halfof the cohort. 6.2 percent of women and 8.8 percent of men aged 30 to 34 reported no heterosexual experience in a 1987 survey; those figures jumped to 11.9 percent and 12.7 percent, respectively, in 2015.→ 1987年,日本30-34岁从未有过性生活的男性和女性比例分别为8.8%和6.2%,而2015年则分别为12.7%和11.9%。Between the ages of 35 and 39, 4 percent of women and 5.5 percent of men reported no heterosexual experience in 1992; in 2015 the figures increased to 8.9 percent and 9.5 percent.→ 1987年,日本35-39岁从未有过性生活的男性和女性比例分别为5.5%和4%,而2015年则分别为9.5%和8.9%。▲A Quarter Of Japanese Adults Under 40 Are Virgins, And The Number Is Increasing这估算下来,30来岁从没有过性经历的日本人,少说也有10%了。为了有对比性,文章还搬出了其他几个发达国家30-39岁的数据……The rates of people remaining virgins into their 30s are significantly higher than in the US, UK and Australia, where between one and five percent of thirtysomethings report no experience.日本30多岁还未有过性经历的人数比例,远高于美国、英国和澳大利亚。在这三个国家,30多岁还没有过性生活的人只有1%-5%。▲A Quarter Of Japanese Adults Under 40 Are Virgins, And The Number Is Increasing(图via CAITLIN DEVOR, THE UNIVERSITY OF TOKYO)……这样一比较,日本人对“啪啪啪”这件事还真是冷淡无比啊。那么问题来了……因为一些或明或暗的原因,日本这个国家,按理来说并不该这么“清心寡欲”才对。那为何从没有过性生活的人比例如此之高?(图via TalkAbout Japan)这份研究中给出的原因,可以说很值得玩味了……“Although the discussion around cause and effect becomes very complex when considering who becomes sexually experienced and who remains a virgin, we show that heterosexual inexperience is at least partly a socioeconomic issue for men,” said Cyrus Ghaznavi, the study’s lead author.该研究报告的主要作者Cyrus Ghaznavi表示:“尽管在涉及谁有性生活、谁还是处男/处女这类的因果关系时,讨论会变得异常复杂,但我们发现对于男性而言,异性恋者缺乏(性)经验是一个社会经济学的问题——至少一定程度上是如此。”“Simply put, money talks.”“简单来说,钱是万能的。”Men who took part in the study and had lower incomes were up to20 timesmore likely to be virgins than their wealthier counterparts.参加这项调查的男性中,收入较低的人没有过性经历的可能性,高达较富裕人的20倍。▲One in 10 Japanese men are 40-year-old virgins, study shows (via Independent)……换言之,越没钱的人,越没有性生活。甚至是从来没有。(图via OneHope)想想也是……如果精力都耗费在努力挣钱谋生上了,“啪啪啪”这类的奢侈品还是先缓缓吧当然了,在这个生育率极低的国家,除了经济原因外,文化氛围也是造成日本“对性无感”的重要因素。▲在日本“御宅族”的世界里,二次元萌妹的杀伤力或许比真实的女性大得多 (图viaMedium, YouTube)在不久前,有日本汉子就执意“娶”了虚拟偶像初音未来,还和她举办了一场“婚礼”……(via The Standard)A Japanese man has married a holographic 16-year old girl he has been "in love with" for years at a ceremony in Tokyo.最近,日本一男子在东京的婚礼上迎娶了一名16岁的全息图像“女孩”。男子表示,他和该“女孩”已相爱多年。Akihiko Kondo, 35, tied the knot with the virtual singer, Hatsune Miku, at a ceremony in front of 40 guests.在40名嘉宾的见证下,35岁的近藤明彦和虚拟歌手初音未来喜结连理。▲Japanese man marries hologram he admired for 10 years in Tokyo ceremony (via The Standard)很多人对这场“婚礼”表示不解。但近藤明彦说,在自己低落彷徨的时候,是初音小妹妹“安慰”“鼓励”了自己,两人的感情也日益增进。Emmmm....虽然总感觉有什么不对,但毕竟人家乐在其中,对社会也没啥危害,那就由他去吧1554715800000责编:王怡环球时报英文版155471580000011["9CaKrnKjCh7","9CaKrnKjCdR","9CaKrnKjBrZ","9CaKrnKjBpC","9CaKrnKjvfx"]//himg2.huanqiucdn.cn/attachment2010/2019/0408/20190408053724481.png{"email":"shixi@huanqiu.com","name":"王怡"}
这届的日本成年人,早就“佛”了。日剧,日漫,那都是唯美浪漫的代名词。樱花飘飘,裙摆飞舞……仿佛是滋生爱情与“我想和你一起起床”行为的天堂▲《一吻定情》▲《你的名字。》然鹅,二次元的世界很浪漫美好,现实的日本社会在感情方面却是……有那么点“丧”。最近,东京大学的研究人员做了一个关于“日本成年人性生活情况”的调查,结果发表在了英国医学期刊BMC上。(via BMC)调查发现,在18-39岁的日本成年人中,从没有过性生活的人高达1/4。(注意措辞:不是“没有”性生活,是“从没有”——never ever ever...)佛了佛了。这不,关于日本人很少“啪啪啪”的事,连《福布斯》杂志都来围观了……A new, detailed analysis of national fertility data finds that the proportion of adults in the country who have never had vaginal heterosexual intercourse is on the rise.一项关于最新日本生育数据的详细分析发现,日本从未有过异性性交行为的成年人比例正在上升。For women between the ages of 18 and 39, a total of 24.6 percent were virgins in 2015, up from 21.7 percent in 1992. Among men of the same age bracket, the percentage without sexual experience increased from 20 percent to 25.8 percent.2015年,18-39岁的日本女性中有24.6%从未有过性生活,高于1992年的21.7%。在相同年龄段的男性中,从未有过性生活的人数比例从1992年的20%上升到了2015年的25.8%。▲A Quarter Of Japanese Adults Under 40 Are Virgins, And The Number Is Increasing (via Forbes)有人可能会觉得,“18-39岁”这个范围太广了。毕竟在如今,20来岁不滚床单十分正常,大家都忙着工作挣钱改变世界呢那么,再来看看“30-39岁”的数据:The trend towards less sex was consistent even forthe older halfof the cohort. 6.2 percent of women and 8.8 percent of men aged 30 to 34 reported no heterosexual experience in a 1987 survey; those figures jumped to 11.9 percent and 12.7 percent, respectively, in 2015.→ 1987年,日本30-34岁从未有过性生活的男性和女性比例分别为8.8%和6.2%,而2015年则分别为12.7%和11.9%。Between the ages of 35 and 39, 4 percent of women and 5.5 percent of men reported no heterosexual experience in 1992; in 2015 the figures increased to 8.9 percent and 9.5 percent.→ 1987年,日本35-39岁从未有过性生活的男性和女性比例分别为5.5%和4%,而2015年则分别为9.5%和8.9%。▲A Quarter Of Japanese Adults Under 40 Are Virgins, And The Number Is Increasing这估算下来,30来岁从没有过性经历的日本人,少说也有10%了。为了有对比性,文章还搬出了其他几个发达国家30-39岁的数据……The rates of people remaining virgins into their 30s are significantly higher than in the US, UK and Australia, where between one and five percent of thirtysomethings report no experience.日本30多岁还未有过性经历的人数比例,远高于美国、英国和澳大利亚。在这三个国家,30多岁还没有过性生活的人只有1%-5%。▲A Quarter Of Japanese Adults Under 40 Are Virgins, And The Number Is Increasing(图via CAITLIN DEVOR, THE UNIVERSITY OF TOKYO)……这样一比较,日本人对“啪啪啪”这件事还真是冷淡无比啊。那么问题来了……因为一些或明或暗的原因,日本这个国家,按理来说并不该这么“清心寡欲”才对。那为何从没有过性生活的人比例如此之高?(图via TalkAbout Japan)这份研究中给出的原因,可以说很值得玩味了……“Although the discussion around cause and effect becomes very complex when considering who becomes sexually experienced and who remains a virgin, we show that heterosexual inexperience is at least partly a socioeconomic issue for men,” said Cyrus Ghaznavi, the study’s lead author.该研究报告的主要作者Cyrus Ghaznavi表示:“尽管在涉及谁有性生活、谁还是处男/处女这类的因果关系时,讨论会变得异常复杂,但我们发现对于男性而言,异性恋者缺乏(性)经验是一个社会经济学的问题——至少一定程度上是如此。”“Simply put, money talks.”“简单来说,钱是万能的。”Men who took part in the study and had lower incomes were up to20 timesmore likely to be virgins than their wealthier counterparts.参加这项调查的男性中,收入较低的人没有过性经历的可能性,高达较富裕人的20倍。▲One in 10 Japanese men are 40-year-old virgins, study shows (via Independent)……换言之,越没钱的人,越没有性生活。甚至是从来没有。(图via OneHope)想想也是……如果精力都耗费在努力挣钱谋生上了,“啪啪啪”这类的奢侈品还是先缓缓吧当然了,在这个生育率极低的国家,除了经济原因外,文化氛围也是造成日本“对性无感”的重要因素。▲在日本“御宅族”的世界里,二次元萌妹的杀伤力或许比真实的女性大得多 (图viaMedium, YouTube)在不久前,有日本汉子就执意“娶”了虚拟偶像初音未来,还和她举办了一场“婚礼”……(via The Standard)A Japanese man has married a holographic 16-year old girl he has been "in love with" for years at a ceremony in Tokyo.最近,日本一男子在东京的婚礼上迎娶了一名16岁的全息图像“女孩”。男子表示,他和该“女孩”已相爱多年。Akihiko Kondo, 35, tied the knot with the virtual singer, Hatsune Miku, at a ceremony in front of 40 guests.在40名嘉宾的见证下,35岁的近藤明彦和虚拟歌手初音未来喜结连理。▲Japanese man marries hologram he admired for 10 years in Tokyo ceremony (via The Standard)很多人对这场“婚礼”表示不解。但近藤明彦说,在自己低落彷徨的时候,是初音小妹妹“安慰”“鼓励”了自己,两人的感情也日益增进。Emmmm....虽然总感觉有什么不对,但毕竟人家乐在其中,对社会也没啥危害,那就由他去吧