9CaKrnKjxIy world.huanqiu.comarticle这个加拿大妈妈,从一头美洲狮的口中救下了自己的孩子/e3pmh22ph/e3pmh2398当你无助的时候,谁会第一个冲上来帮你?一位加拿大不列颠哥伦比亚省的妈妈,就在危机时刻从一头美洲狮的口中救下了自己的孩子。很难想像图片里的母亲,可以徒手掰开一头美洲狮的嘴巴,但是事情就这样发生了。上周,一头饥饿的美洲狮死死地咬住了一个七岁小男孩的前臂。在听到儿子的呼救后,妈妈切尔西不顾危险跑过来,奋力撬开了美洲狮的下巴,最终救下了儿子。Chelsea Lockhart's son was playing outside the family's Vancouver Island home Friday when she heard a fence rattle in the backyard. Then came sounds of a struggle.上周五Chelsea Lockhart在家,她的儿子正在家门口玩耍。这时她突然听到后院传来一阵骚动,接着是儿子的叫喊声。The mother bolted outside to see her son, Zachery, 7, on the ground with a young cougar attached to his arm, the network reported.这个母亲狂奔出去,看到自己七岁的儿子Zachery正躺在地上。一头年轻的美洲狮死死咬住他的胳膊。via USA today出于母亲的本能,她冲了上去正面硬扛美洲狮。"I had a mom instinct, right?" Lockhart said. "I just leaped on it and tried to pry its mouth open.”Lockhart说:“我有做母亲的本能,所以我跳了上去,想把它的下巴撕开。”With her fingers fish-hooked inside the cougar's mouth, Lockhart began "praying in tongues" and "crying out to the Lord," she told CTV News.她的手指就像鱼钩一样伸进了美洲狮的嘴里。心里不断地向上帝祈求。via USA today尽管力量悬殊,美洲狮居然奇迹般地松口了。She couldn’t pry open the jaw as the creature had clenched on the boy too hard, but their screams scared the cougar, forcing it to flee the scene.她没有办法掰开美洲狮的下巴,因为它咬得太紧 。但是母子两人的尖叫声吓到了美洲狮,它仓皇而逃。via Fox News救援人员在几分钟后赶到,将母亲和孩子送到了医院。Zachery的头上有一个1.5英寸(3.81厘米)的伤口,但是应该会很快痊愈。负责管理野生动物的官员随后抓捕了2只在逃的美洲狮,对它们实施了安乐死。Both cougars – perhaps brothers – were euthanized, CTV news reported. An examination suggested the animals were likely starving at the time of the attack.这两只美洲狮也许是兄弟俩,都被实施了安乐死。检查显示这两只美洲狮当时应该是很饿,所以才会咬人。via USA today网友们评论说:妈妈才是这个世界上最强大的物种。@Monkeycrats: Never mess with the young of the most deadliest specie on this planet....a human female带娃的人类女性是地球上最强大的物种。@expectingsomethingnew: She saved her son's life. Amazing and great! Moms don't think first they act, then think.她救了她儿子的性命!太伟大了!妈妈通常想都不想就去做。@lava_30:you never know what you can do until your child's life is in danger. well done mom.你永远不知道你的潜能,直到你的孩子遇到了危险。这个母亲好样的。“母亲”真的是世界上最伟大的两个字!1554374760000责编:魏少璞环球时报GlobalTimes155437476000011[]{"email":"weishaopu@huanqiu.com","name":"魏少璞"}
当你无助的时候,谁会第一个冲上来帮你?一位加拿大不列颠哥伦比亚省的妈妈,就在危机时刻从一头美洲狮的口中救下了自己的孩子。很难想像图片里的母亲,可以徒手掰开一头美洲狮的嘴巴,但是事情就这样发生了。上周,一头饥饿的美洲狮死死地咬住了一个七岁小男孩的前臂。在听到儿子的呼救后,妈妈切尔西不顾危险跑过来,奋力撬开了美洲狮的下巴,最终救下了儿子。Chelsea Lockhart's son was playing outside the family's Vancouver Island home Friday when she heard a fence rattle in the backyard. Then came sounds of a struggle.上周五Chelsea Lockhart在家,她的儿子正在家门口玩耍。这时她突然听到后院传来一阵骚动,接着是儿子的叫喊声。The mother bolted outside to see her son, Zachery, 7, on the ground with a young cougar attached to his arm, the network reported.这个母亲狂奔出去,看到自己七岁的儿子Zachery正躺在地上。一头年轻的美洲狮死死咬住他的胳膊。via USA today出于母亲的本能,她冲了上去正面硬扛美洲狮。"I had a mom instinct, right?" Lockhart said. "I just leaped on it and tried to pry its mouth open.”Lockhart说:“我有做母亲的本能,所以我跳了上去,想把它的下巴撕开。”With her fingers fish-hooked inside the cougar's mouth, Lockhart began "praying in tongues" and "crying out to the Lord," she told CTV News.她的手指就像鱼钩一样伸进了美洲狮的嘴里。心里不断地向上帝祈求。via USA today尽管力量悬殊,美洲狮居然奇迹般地松口了。She couldn’t pry open the jaw as the creature had clenched on the boy too hard, but their screams scared the cougar, forcing it to flee the scene.她没有办法掰开美洲狮的下巴,因为它咬得太紧 。但是母子两人的尖叫声吓到了美洲狮,它仓皇而逃。via Fox News救援人员在几分钟后赶到,将母亲和孩子送到了医院。Zachery的头上有一个1.5英寸(3.81厘米)的伤口,但是应该会很快痊愈。负责管理野生动物的官员随后抓捕了2只在逃的美洲狮,对它们实施了安乐死。Both cougars – perhaps brothers – were euthanized, CTV news reported. An examination suggested the animals were likely starving at the time of the attack.这两只美洲狮也许是兄弟俩,都被实施了安乐死。检查显示这两只美洲狮当时应该是很饿,所以才会咬人。via USA today网友们评论说:妈妈才是这个世界上最强大的物种。@Monkeycrats: Never mess with the young of the most deadliest specie on this planet....a human female带娃的人类女性是地球上最强大的物种。@expectingsomethingnew: She saved her son's life. Amazing and great! Moms don't think first they act, then think.她救了她儿子的性命!太伟大了!妈妈通常想都不想就去做。@lava_30:you never know what you can do until your child's life is in danger. well done mom.你永远不知道你的潜能,直到你的孩子遇到了危险。这个母亲好样的。“母亲”真的是世界上最伟大的两个字!