9CaKrnKh2YA world.huanqiu.comarticle撞脸加拿大总理,阿富汗“贾斯廷•特鲁多”出道了/e3pmh22ph/e3pmh2398和名人撞脸是什么感觉?最近这个阿富汗小哥哥就体验了一把……今天故事的主人公是29岁的阿富汗歌手Abdul Salam Maftoon。他来自阿富汗的偏远山区,平日里生活拮据,靠着在婚礼上献唱抚养妻子和4个孩子。最近,他参加了一个阿富汗的选秀比赛Afghan Star阿富汗之星(有点类似于我们的达人秀),却意外走红网络。你们能分得清他们谁是谁吗?Afghan Justin Trudeau' finds fame on TV .@Abrusa 伊万卡你的“贾斯廷”找到了大家甚至连剧本也编写好了……Maftoon has been called “Trudeau’s lost twin” by the Facebook user Neila Abdulzadah and another one likened the story to a Bollywood film, where lost twin brothers find each other after being separated at birth.名字就叫“贾斯廷•特鲁多失散多年的兄弟”,一个宝莱坞狗血故事就此上演。Via Guardian最早发现他们俩撞脸的是这个达人秀的加拿大评委Qais Ulfat:艾玛!这不是我们总理吗!One of the show's judges, Afghan-Canadian musician Qais Ulfat, told the BBC that he first noticed the resemblance when training up the 12 contestants who made it through to the finals.该节目的评委之一,阿富汗-加拿大籍音乐家Qais Ulfat告诉BBC,他最早是在12强的比赛时发现他们相似之处的。Via BBCI noticed he looked a lot like my prime minister," he said. "So I started giggling around with the host."“我突然发现他看起来很像我的总理,”他说。“所以我开始和主持人一起调侃他。”Via BBC但是对于这个加拿大“兄弟”,Abdul本人坦言自己之前压根不知道贾斯廷•特鲁多是谁。"I didn't know anything about Justin Trudeau until I saw the photos on social media," the wedding singer from Badakhshan province told AFP news agency.“在我看到社交媒体上的照片之前,我对贾斯廷•特鲁多一无所知。”Via BBC现在Abdul最想做的就是能亲眼看看他失散的兄弟,究竟有多像。“I want to meet him if he wants to because he is a global personality and I am a poor man from a remote part of Afghanistan,” he said.“如果他愿意,我想见他,因为他是一个全球名人,我是来自阿富汗偏远地区的穷人,”他说。"The resemblance has boosted my chances of winning the competition by 50%."“和他的这种相似性使我赢得比赛的机会增加了50%。”Via BBC说到这个选秀节目,也是很神奇了。Afghan Star是阿富汗收视率最高的节目之一, 尽管从2005年首播以来一直受到塔利班的威胁,称这个节目不够伊斯兰。官网上是这么介绍的:The show exceeds all ethnical, language and gender barriers, and has been a catalyst for social and cultural change in Afghanistan since its inception. Afghan Star brings together the entire nation through music!该节目超越了所有种族,语言和性别障碍。有节目以来一直是阿富汗社会和文化变革的催化剂。 阿富汗之星通过音乐将整个国家聚集在一起!Via Afghan Star今年的总决赛要在3月21号举行。但是无论能否夺冠,这次意外走红已经让Abdul积攒了不少粉丝,也让他看到了别的出路。比如……去娱乐圈闯一闯?But he is confident that his newfound fame will boost demand for his entertainment services.他觉得借着这波热度,进军娱乐圈也不是没有可能。Via Guardian素材:BBC,The Guardian图:网络整合:小亮亮1547538120000责编:李林芝环球时报GlobalTimes154753812000011[]//himg2.huanqiucdn.cn/attachment2010/2019/0115/20190115034540940.jpg{"email":"lilinzhi@huanqiu.com","name":"李林芝"}
和名人撞脸是什么感觉?最近这个阿富汗小哥哥就体验了一把……今天故事的主人公是29岁的阿富汗歌手Abdul Salam Maftoon。他来自阿富汗的偏远山区,平日里生活拮据,靠着在婚礼上献唱抚养妻子和4个孩子。最近,他参加了一个阿富汗的选秀比赛Afghan Star阿富汗之星(有点类似于我们的达人秀),却意外走红网络。你们能分得清他们谁是谁吗?Afghan Justin Trudeau' finds fame on TV .@Abrusa 伊万卡你的“贾斯廷”找到了大家甚至连剧本也编写好了……Maftoon has been called “Trudeau’s lost twin” by the Facebook user Neila Abdulzadah and another one likened the story to a Bollywood film, where lost twin brothers find each other after being separated at birth.名字就叫“贾斯廷•特鲁多失散多年的兄弟”,一个宝莱坞狗血故事就此上演。Via Guardian最早发现他们俩撞脸的是这个达人秀的加拿大评委Qais Ulfat:艾玛!这不是我们总理吗!One of the show's judges, Afghan-Canadian musician Qais Ulfat, told the BBC that he first noticed the resemblance when training up the 12 contestants who made it through to the finals.该节目的评委之一,阿富汗-加拿大籍音乐家Qais Ulfat告诉BBC,他最早是在12强的比赛时发现他们相似之处的。Via BBCI noticed he looked a lot like my prime minister," he said. "So I started giggling around with the host."“我突然发现他看起来很像我的总理,”他说。“所以我开始和主持人一起调侃他。”Via BBC但是对于这个加拿大“兄弟”,Abdul本人坦言自己之前压根不知道贾斯廷•特鲁多是谁。"I didn't know anything about Justin Trudeau until I saw the photos on social media," the wedding singer from Badakhshan province told AFP news agency.“在我看到社交媒体上的照片之前,我对贾斯廷•特鲁多一无所知。”Via BBC现在Abdul最想做的就是能亲眼看看他失散的兄弟,究竟有多像。“I want to meet him if he wants to because he is a global personality and I am a poor man from a remote part of Afghanistan,” he said.“如果他愿意,我想见他,因为他是一个全球名人,我是来自阿富汗偏远地区的穷人,”他说。"The resemblance has boosted my chances of winning the competition by 50%."“和他的这种相似性使我赢得比赛的机会增加了50%。”Via BBC说到这个选秀节目,也是很神奇了。Afghan Star是阿富汗收视率最高的节目之一, 尽管从2005年首播以来一直受到塔利班的威胁,称这个节目不够伊斯兰。官网上是这么介绍的:The show exceeds all ethnical, language and gender barriers, and has been a catalyst for social and cultural change in Afghanistan since its inception. Afghan Star brings together the entire nation through music!该节目超越了所有种族,语言和性别障碍。有节目以来一直是阿富汗社会和文化变革的催化剂。 阿富汗之星通过音乐将整个国家聚集在一起!Via Afghan Star今年的总决赛要在3月21号举行。但是无论能否夺冠,这次意外走红已经让Abdul积攒了不少粉丝,也让他看到了别的出路。比如……去娱乐圈闯一闯?But he is confident that his newfound fame will boost demand for his entertainment services.他觉得借着这波热度,进军娱乐圈也不是没有可能。Via Guardian素材:BBC,The Guardian图:网络整合:小亮亮